Join the Committee

Job Skills

The Westmeadows Tennis Club has always been lucky enough to have great people behind the scenes that enable all members and visitors to enjoy their tennis experience.

As the club plans to grow its membership and participation, we are encouraging people to become involved in a voluntary capacity to help the club fulfil our vision.

Voluntary work can look great on your Resume and builds your experience is many facets of work life.

Currently, the club has the following positions available:

  1. Membership Coordinator

But it doesn’t stop there. The Committee have many jobs to complete and further assistance would be greatly appreciated.

For more information about how you can help grow the club and build your own skillset please contact us.

Current Committee:

President – David Puddefoot

Vice President – Daniel Almond

Secretary – Chris Thomas

Communications Coordinator – Anthony Stromei

Treasurer – Rachel Almond

Facilities Coordinator – Jill Almond

Membership Coordinator – Vacant

Senior Tennis Coordinator – Nabil Chakelli

Junior Tennis Coordinator – Yasemin Alcin

Coach – Guccione Tennis