Club Championships Conditions of Entry


All competitors must be fully financial members of the Westmeadows Tennis Club to participate in the Club Championships.  Consideration will be given to those who have a current arrangement with the Treasurer.  If you are unsure of your status you must phone the Treasurer.

Playing Conditions

All matches must be played under the WTC Code of Conduct.

Communication with Players

No communication is to be made with any player while play is in progress.  Any health related or other essential communication must be made via one of the  Championship Coordinators.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones must be turned off if taken out onto court.  No player may answer a mobile phone call while playing a match.


In the event of a forfeit being given, the player/ team defeated by the forfeiting competitors in the preceding round will be offered the opportunity play the match if this can reasonably be arranged in the time available.  The Coordinators shall make the final decision on what is reasonable.

Scheduling of Matches

For all matches, all players must be present and ready to play no later than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time. Arrival after this time will result in forfeit.

You must be available to play on the qualification day (Saturday 13th July), and on Grand Final Day (Sunday 21st July). In the event of inclement weather affecting these events, they will be rescheduled to a time to be determined by the championship coordinators.

In Match Disputes

Any disagreements on match day should first be referred to the umpire of the match in question (if an umpire is present). If the disagreement cannot be resolved by the umpire, the relevant match referee should be consulted. If resolution still cannot be reached, the Tournament Director shall make a final judgement on any outstanding disagreement.

Out of Match Disputes

Any disagreements must be referred to one of the Championship Coordinators as soon as a problem or interpretation of the Conditions of Entry becomes apparent.  Disputes will be resolved by the Championship Coordinators and their decision will be final in terms of the Championships.  Any further complaints with the organisation or running of the Championships must be referred in writing to the WTC Committee of Management for discussion at its next monthly meeting.


All entry fees are required to be paid on the day of the relevant qualification event, or on grand final day if your event has no qualifying rounds.

Please make all cheques payable to the Westmeadows Tennis Club.

Entry Forms should be received by Wednesday 10th July.

Applications may be rejected after this date.

Championship Coordinators

Tournament Director – Nabil Chakelli
Match referee, senior events – Nabil Chakelli
Match referee, junior events – Aimee Piesik